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A place for everybody

Image Copyright: city-map Teltow Fl�ming

Das Community Centre Thyrow is readily equipped for any kind of event.
Car park, terrace, garden, big courtyard and different rooms are available.

Image Copyright: city-map Teltow Fl�ming

Image Copyright: city-map Teltow Fl�ming

Community Centre:

* Club Activities V
(Heimatverein, Sports Club,
ThyrowerTheaterTruppe and Line-dancer)
* For Hire
* Cultural Offer
(Events of the most different kind)

Image Copyright: city-map Teltow Fl�ming

Organiser: Frau Uta Klag
For enquiries about usage or hire
Tel. 033731/70133 or 10199

Image Copyright: city-map Teltow Fl�ming

On the 31st August 2002 the winner of the competition 'Our village should become prettier - Our village has a future' was named in G�lsdorf in the course of the 2nd district harvest festival.�Thyrow with its community centre and the local diverse activities was happy about the�1st Prize "Special Communal Facilities".

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